Rent is also accumulated every 5 minutes. (a shopkeeper with a high opinion will work harder), and the rent or goods prices set by the player this happens even while the Xbox 360 is turned off. These businesses produce income for the player every 5 minutes, depending on the quality of the business, the economy level of the town, and the opinion of the shop owner for the player. In addition to purchasing and renting homes, businesses and stalls are now available for purchase. Additionally, every accessible property (those that can be entered by the player) in the world can be purchased (except for the Tattered Spire), and ownership of unique buildings can unlock further quests. Trading in such camps would increase their profit, resulting in a small town growing around them. Since the game takes place over a hero’s lifetime, many things can change Molyneux gave an example of a trade camp that the player could either help or destroy. The world in Fable II is fully dynamic, interactive and mostly free roaming with no set quest path to take. Divorce with the player’s spouse can occur, and can be initiated by either the spouse or the player themselves. In Fable II, it is possible for the player’s character to get married, including same-sex marriage, and have children. New features to the game included the opportunity to choose between playing as a male or female character, a fast-travel system, and a canine companion who can detect treasures and alert the player to nearby enemies. Players also can make decisions on how they act, affecting their characters’ morality and appearance as a result. Alongside the main story, players can engage in several side quests and repeatable jobs to earn money and rewards, build up a property empire, and customise their character with various clothing items, hairstyles, tattoos and makeup.